Wednesday 9 September 2009

Eh, aftermath of orientation

Did orientation. I now have a better idea about what I'm being let in for. They type of people in my course. The Student Service person walked into the room and asked 'are ye the Health and Leisure students?', we confirmed her question and were met with 'God, ye are fairly quiet for Health and Leisure students!'. That alone says alot about what we will probably be like!

The attitudes are far different to what I have been used to the past 14 years. usually you'd have to give a reason for an abscence, I was advised not to do so this time and I will not mention why I'm taking the days off I need.

The building is different, the classroom/lecture theatre or whatever they are called are very different! I'm growning up and the seats I may be sitting on will not move.

All in all I'm liking the new set up and am looking forward to it...

There are some people who have not yet gotten their place and may not get it for some reason. My advice s have a plan B. Be it a PLC or even a Job for a year. Just don't sit on your ass. It will not look good on a CV