Monday 29 June 2009

Eh, the Death of the VCR

Seeing as it's the time to start anew. Some stuff is heading to the Civic Amenety Centre. I saw amongst these things, something which we as children pretty much lived by. The VCR. The silver machine which saved us many a time with shows we were missing and hours upon hours of Lion King and other Disney and Pixar films, Thomas the Tank Engine and even Teletubbies.

It kinda struck a chord with me. I thought, "Damn, I'm getting old". Even though I'm young enough, seeing that the VCR is going out the gap made me see that technology is moving on pretty fast. 15 years ago the VCR was the be all and end all of entertainment. Despite the video's size they were plentiful in any household across the world. Just grab a video and enjoy, pretty much like a DVD or Blu-Ray these days. Up to the local video store to rent a video for the night.

Rewinding the video is something I will always remember, sitting down on the floor pressing the rewind and fast forward buttons frantically trying to get to the beginning because the last eejit who rented the movie out never rewound it to the start, or to get back to the place where I was watching previously. It was a pain in the arse, especially when the remote control has gone on the missing list. Sitting on my arse on the cold floor straining my neck up to the TV screen to see what scene I'm going through at the time. Nowadays on DVD's, we can just go to the scene selection menu and go from there, but it nearly made the effort worthwhile shifting through all the movie to get to your desired scene. That little pleasure is now gone!

But let us move onto what's next. I would say the DVD player is the latest thing, but can't. DVD was the next link in the chain after Videos. But even the DVD is being out-done by HDTV and Blu-Ray. So in the past 15 years or so alot of progress seems to have been made, but will the seemingly innocent VCR resurface in the future? I am afriad the way technology goes the VCR has had the final nail in the coffin well and truly wholloped in.