Monday 28 December 2009

Eh, a Christmas present to be remembered....

The set up;

The Reaction;

Eh, Married With Children

Who remembers this?

It has one of the more addictive theme tunes.; 'Love and Marriage, go together like a horse and Carriage'....

Sunday 27 December 2009




Sunday 20 December 2009

Eh, going into the Master's cave

The Start of the new stage of my life has taken affect. I'm going to be looking for answers to questions I do not know of yet. I have the usual ones picked out already. The 'who am I', 'why am I here' and a whole life evaluation, which I haven't thought through yet.

I am in need of quiet time for reflecting on things. Time where I do not get disturbed, distracted, interupted, stressed or intruded upon. What I need to reflect upon is where I feel I am going to stumble down a bit. Do I need to write down my query on a piece of paper and let God dish out my answer when he so chooses? Or do I just keep thinking of the question hoping for the penny to drop?

My whole life evaluation seems to be upsetting me in some places. Do I want to be in this relationship now? Do I really feel 100% confident in what I'm doing? There are some things which I feel if even question them, the will cave in and I'll stop doing it. These are things I deem necessary to my existance, like my education. Do I continue in my sport because some of the individuals are (subconciously) against what I believe the sport to be about? Diligence, integrity and self control, some of these qualities are abscent in members of the club I go to. And it is having it's affect on me...

I was told not to search for the answer. I was advised to let the answer come to me. This shit isn't easy, I tell you that much. With that bit of advice I will just have to go along in life without thinking of my questions and then realise the answer long after it happened. Or I may even be thinking of the question whilst I see the answer in front of me. Or I may see the answer then see that it is what it is I have been looking for. I was told about the cave I need to go into. It is the cave of my innner self, the darkness, the blackness of the un-explored self, the area of me I do not know very well. I have a fear of the unknown. But it will have to become my new home within myself.

All I can hope is that what that darkened section of myself brings me positive results and realizations. but I will not get the answer when I search for it. I just have to sit in that dark cave of the new Master and wait, wait, wait.....

Saturday 28 November 2009

Eh, filling in the blanks

Dearest partner of Greatness,

A life changing workshop is happening for me soon. Life changing in the way that I'll be more connected with the universe, if you believe in such a thing. This may bring greater awareness of things which most people would look over. Emotions may be much more prominent. Intuition development. A bit of Clarvoyency and Claraudiency in the mix too. Increased integrity with a balance of wisdom. And sensitiviy to situations and other's emotions.

This all spawns, from what I know, when becoming a Reiki Master. Reiki opens up the spiritual senses; clarvoyency and claraudiency. This connection is to receive messages from spiritual gardians. Awareness not a lot of people may have.

The most entriguing thign about Reiki Masters is the new traits which one may get from them. The main one is integrity. The problem then with people who know a Reiki Master both before and then after they become a Master is this newfound integrity. I'm just thinking about how Integrity could affect one's relationship with a Reiki Master. It could happen that the Master won't do certain things or refuse to entertain some ideas which you may hold. Or may refuse more sternly than before. If something done is wrong, then the integrity would show it to the Master more easily. And they may not sit on the fence or keep quiet for much longer.

That is what could happen inside the person's mental level. I presume the Workshop will teach the Mster how to balance and protect themself from these external negative happenings. It is for the better for both the Master and the people in constant contact with them. Without the ability to balance, ground, centre and protect things will cave in upon the person. Negative feelings may take hold. But part of being a Reiki Master is to be able to feel and deal with emotions, the realization and acceptance of various emotions and the fact they must be felt. If they are not felt they build up into a little monster. This happens to everyone, they bottle up an emotional event and it eats at them day by day. It can lead to depression or physical manifesations such as ulcers, muscular tensions or migrains.

The difference between a Reiki master and another person who does not feel some emotions which must be felt is their acceptance of the need to feel an emotion when it needs to be felt. It is the Master's job to feel these and not harm anyone else be hurt by it. They may be having an angry day and have an out burst at someone and from that point on, their relationship could decline.

There are other aspects too. The Reiki Master will seek out simialr people, loved-based rather than fear based people. What's the point in being surrounded by fear and hate? People with acceptance for unearthly ideas is an attractive option. None of these are necessities, but a help.

These changes will occur to me, but to what extent I do not know. These are not negative developments for me. But it may make times awkward amongst friends and loved one. That is awkward when they know the Reiki person before and then after. I will understand completely, wholly and lovingly if the parties involved decide to step down if they feel the change is too much, or not why they are here in the first place. it will be met with love rather than hate and disgust...

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Eh, being bored and random...

1. Where were you 3 hours ago?
2. Who are you in love with?
3. Have you ever eaten a crayon?
not to my memory
4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
Yup. A piece of white string on my bag
5. When is the last time you went to the mall?
6. Are you wearing socks right now?
Yes I am.
7. Do you have a car worth over $2,000?
Don't have a licence
8. When was the last time you drove out of town?
Refer to last question
9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
Yes, Jennifer's Body
10. Are you hot?
Some think so.......
11. What was the last thing you had to drink?
12. What are you wearing right now?
Massage t-shirt, blue fat-man pants
13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?
Refer to Question 7
14. Last food that you ate?
A wrap with random meat and salad
15. Where were you last week at this time?
college probably doing the same thing as this time last week
16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
17. When is the last time you ran?
A while ago to get outta the rain
18. What's the last sporting event you watched?
A small section of a soccer match last night
19. What is your favorite animal?
Maroon Clown fish
20. Your dream vacation?
21. Last person's house you were in?
22. Worst injury you've ever had?
23. Have you been in love?
refer to Question 2
24. Do you miss anyone right now?
refer to Question 2
25. Last play you saw?
Hamlet in CAT
26. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
27. What are your plans for tonight?
Cinema, if anyone will go with me
28. Who is the last person you sent a MySpace message or comment?
Don't have Myspace
29. Next trip you are going to take?
30. Ever go to camp?
Every year
31. Were you an honor roll student in school?
If the question is what I think it means, yes
32. What do you want to know about the future?
I'm having potatoe for dinner
33. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
eh, no
34. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?
35. Where is your best friend?
on planet Earth
36. How is your best friend?
37. Do you have a tan?
builder's tan
38. What are you listening to right now?
The hummmmmm of computers and people whispering
39. Do you collect anything?
40. Who is the biggest gossiper you know?
no names being mentioned
41. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?
42. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?
Sure have
43. What does your last text message say?
I left my phone at home!!!
44. Do you like hot sauce?
Depends on what sauce it is
45. Last time you took a shower?
Last night after training
46. Do you need to do laundry?
nope. I'm enough clothes to keep me going
47. What is your heritage?
48. Are you someone's best friend?
Sure damn hope so
49. Are you rich?
Like evry other student
50. What were you doing at 12AM last night?
Going to bed

Sunday 8 November 2009

Eh, happy fucking Christmas.....

How is it that on the 7th of November, while walking in the shopping centre I saw a load of Christmas banners? Dunnes, this afternoon, I see one poor creatúr employee with a ladder. He had a big black trolley with a huge something covered in silver tinsel and big red shiney balls. The poor child...

This occurance has been happening more and more over the past number of years. Why? I do not know. Do people want to be happier for longer and the only time of year they are happy is Christmas? Is it that Summer isn't good enough for them? Are they not leading a fulfilling life, or following a healthy lifestyle which would bring them happiness upon them most of the year around? These are the things which go through my mind when I see the vechiles of happiness and joy.

Christmas isn't the happiest of times for everyone. There are people who are not able to see their family over the 'season of joy'. And because of this they would rather go to work and get paid than have a day off which they would be doing nothing with, but sulking or being alone while all their friends go home to their family. They cannot go visiting friends because they do not want to be rude by crashing in on another person's family gathering. And these people are living away from home and may not afford to go home to their family

Nothing good lasts forever. So that is possibly why people want good to last that bit longer. But the novelty wears itself thin by Mid-December. It is horrible. It really is. And that Shit song is on repeat with only thirty seconds of music playing on and on and on........

Sunday 1 November 2009

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Eh, about the film not too many people understood...

Warning, if you have not seen The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus this post is about clearing up what I was asked about. These are my interpretations not fact. Either it'll clear up what will confuse you and/or ruin teh movie for you...

The full title in all it's glory;


Right. We were like ten minutes late for the movie. That little fact still didn't stop me from following it to the best of my ability. And from my being late I may have missed soemthing at teh very start. What the other people who saw the movie wondered was;

What was the beliefs of Doctor Parnassus and what was the importance of them?
What is the story with the mirror thing they went into?
Why Heath Ledger's character changed so often?

The Doctor's beliefs were that to keep the world going a story must always be being told. Hence why the Devil came along with the thing to suck the mouths off the disciples. He thought that the only reason why the world was still going was because that small group was telling stories. It became apparent to the doctor, after the monks getting silenced, that the storytelling wasn't solely being done by them. The stories were bein told by people all over the world.

The mirror that the women jumped into is where their souls were taken. Or this is what I think it is about. It is needed to fulfil the deal with the Devil. The deal was to cancel out another deal made. The Devil and the Doctor had to get 5 souls before the other and before the Doctor's daughter's 16th birthday. The mirror was the method which the Doctor used to trap the souls.

When the women went into the mirror, they were visiting their imagination or where their fantasies dwells. Each imagination is different from the other person and the various imaginations are represented. The reason for Ledger's character changing to Johnny Depp, Jude Law and Collin Farrell is that each of the women fantasized about their dream man and that is the reason for the cast change. Not because of the fact that Heath Ledger died, but due to the diference between reality and fantasy...

I have addressed the main questions. I decided not to go at other questions to not ruin the movie too much for ye who have not seen it...

One more which seemed to cause confusion. The ending. The Doctor did the last deal to get his daughter back but The Devil lost the Doctor's daughter and couldn't give her back because he didn't have her soul. So the Doctor was left in search for her in solditude of his own mental dessert. And by finding her in the Urban setting made him happy because he then knew she was happy...

And clearer?

Thursday 22 October 2009

Eh, surprises....

What's lovely is when you can still surprise someone even after being with them for so long. If is it a year, or nineteen. Sometimes the look of delight and awe gives such a nice warm deep feeling!!!

For example; coming home a bit earlier in the week and cooking dinner when we get home. The for the idea to crop up that I should invite the other half along too. Which was fine with me.

So you get in contact with herself. Tell her you have a dinner organised for her, but not say that you are doing it. She'll think you are messing because you are in college 66 miles away and not due home until the next day! But this all adds to the moment.

An unforeseen change of plans can sometimes be exactly what one needs to relax and forget about the stresses of life and leaving cert. Have a bash off it.

A nice deed is beneficial and nice; for a previous post on this topic...

Friday 16 October 2009

Eh, demoracy rules

Getting responsibility from peers is a lovely feeling. It shows that they have confidence on you to represent them. And my class chose someone who is a little quiet, but a listener at the same time. Or that's what I think they think of me. Except for one person who decided to say, before they voted the Class Rep, that we shouldn't vote someone who would stand in the corner behind the door and say nothing. Shows what he knows.

A good class rep has the capability to listen, take on board what has been said to them and relay the concerns to the Staff and heads of department. A Class Rep is also the line of communication between the Staff and Students. That link is there to make little changes to teh learning environment. Be it, a timetable on the doors of the computer labs or posting CA deadlines on the notice board. Small things which help everyone in a little way to make life easier.

In the Meetings time is given to each person, reasons and answers are given to the queries, discussion and improvements are written down with intention to correct them where possible. I now see the benefit of the Class Rep System. I dunno if it worked as well in the secondary school system, but it sounds like it works in Third Level...

Sunday 4 October 2009

Eh, decisions

Where I'm going to College has a fair few clubs and societies, not as many as UCC (160ish to my last recollection). But still there is a bit for everyone. And for the people who have the more unique hobbies it may be harder to get out there and get to know the people with the same unique hobby. For example, there's actually a massage society in the place I go to... So anything is possible...

My problem is that of the society's abscence to which I would join. So I now have to go and try setting it up. I was going to set one of two up. Frisbee and Improv. A friend asked me, 'Which wold be more beneficial Cian?' I didn't have to answer her. I knew which was the answer and am now going about to setting it up. Just need to know how to set it up. THere's something about a chairperson, secretary and treasurer. And meetings and everything.

This all sounds complicated and eveything, but I'm sure I'll get it up and going and hopefully get a show or two going by the end of the year.... Fingers crossed...

Saturday 26 September 2009

Eh, a few (interesting) photos to shift through

Seeing as I've nothing to write about due to writers block, I've decided to use a visual medium with a bit of a caption at each photo. Hoefully I'll get onto writing again in the next week or so... But if you make something else of what my caption is, fair enough to ya!!!

Open to interpretation

An actual car parking space in Ballincollig Shopping centre

Mr. Potatoe-Head, angry? Or emotional?

Púca, eagla roimh rud éigin?

And finally............... TO ARTHUR

Thursday 17 September 2009

Eh, moving out

On the run up to moving out there was a feeling that I had. It was one of not being at home as much as usual. It wasn't extreme, like missing evry meal, but gonig for walks, getting the daily paper etc.

THen came packing my bags. Deciding what I need. Preparing for the unknown. I hadn't a clue what to bring so I packed the basics. Clothes, toiletries, bed sheets and earrai of the sorts. Needless to say we were still short stuff when we got there. Various foods and electrical equipment. BUT who says that student accomodation is a hotel? Purchased a few extra bits and pieces. And bob is my uncle...

The uneasy feeling of not knowing who your flatmates are was an uneasy feeling alright. Especiall when they turn up a few hours after you've unpacked!!! But all was ironed out after a few days and it isn't as hard as it previously seemed. The apticipation was what was the worst bit, the waiting around always is!!!

But so far things are fine. no complaints. We are all still getting used to living away from home. Getting our own food and catering for ourselves. Some people may have depended on Mammy too much to get dinner every day consistantly...

I'm just dipping the tips of my toes into the real world...

Saturday 12 September 2009

Eh, thoughts on meeting peers from the old school

Coming up soon is the Debs. The place where us Leaving Certs meet up again for one last time as a year group. We've gone through the six years of secondary school together and have all suffered the same road and we are all mentally linked by this road. A link in which we will always come back and say, yes, we went through that together...

It is the time where we have all moved on from our secondary school into College or where ever else, be it repeating the leaving to get that bit better to get into the course your heart desires, or going straight into a job, or drawing the live register. What ever floats your boat. At this stage we all know what we are moving onto. It is going to be both nice and interesting to see where everyone has moved onto. Some people will surprise you with where they have gone, others won't surprise you as much. It's a fact of life really...

The other interesting thing I will be watching out for is what date certain people have brought. Some people have an obvious date, their boyfriend or girlfriend who they love dearly and whole heartedly. And then there are others who you can't imagine having any interest in the opposite gender. I'm not saying they are homosexual, but just don't seem to me to have an interest in getting to know a member of the opposite sex. These are the people I am keen on seeing, or rather, their dates are who I'd like to see...

For some people they may not bring a date, which is perfectly fine, either they couldn't find one, even after asking about. Or the people who got shot down. Or even the people who had too much choice to begin with. All these people are accounted for and it's probably best, just as long they are around friends they enjoy and have a great time. THAT'S what the Debs is about.

But there are the people who won't bring dates and just go with their friends as dates. Have fun! Once again, that's what it's all about... the FUN and BANTER...

Friday 11 September 2009

Eh, one of my centuries

At the moment there have been 100 view of this blog. A mile stone in my new life! HAHA

I know some of them are me actually looking at the blog to see how the post reads and how the layout looks in general. But between you and me, we have gotten there.

I hope parents don't figure out (or get lessons) on how to use the youth's websites. Despite the oldest Facebooker is like 104 years old now!!!

Wednesday 9 September 2009

Eh, aftermath of orientation

Did orientation. I now have a better idea about what I'm being let in for. They type of people in my course. The Student Service person walked into the room and asked 'are ye the Health and Leisure students?', we confirmed her question and were met with 'God, ye are fairly quiet for Health and Leisure students!'. That alone says alot about what we will probably be like!

The attitudes are far different to what I have been used to the past 14 years. usually you'd have to give a reason for an abscence, I was advised not to do so this time and I will not mention why I'm taking the days off I need.

The building is different, the classroom/lecture theatre or whatever they are called are very different! I'm growning up and the seats I may be sitting on will not move.

All in all I'm liking the new set up and am looking forward to it...

There are some people who have not yet gotten their place and may not get it for some reason. My advice s have a plan B. Be it a PLC or even a Job for a year. Just don't sit on your ass. It will not look good on a CV

Monday 7 September 2009

Eh, Hitler really gets pissed off easily. We wonder why, watch why and find out why...

First bit advice is to put the video full screen for most of them because the subtitles can be a bit small;

Sunday 6 September 2009

Eh, eve of orientation

Tomorrow is when I get introduced to college life. The tours of the campuses, the orientation, the library set up, the Smart card (student card I think), getting the password and account for the intranet of the college. Getting class times etc. Meeting the IT viticms on my course, whoops, I mean students! And other such things.

I do not know what to expect for the day. Is it going to rock? Are we going to have to break the ice ourselves or are we going to be put in a room and told to play a game of Fruit Salad? Either way we'll get to know each other by the end of the day! And in class and everything else too!!!

I'm just going to go with the flow and hope that I get on well enough. I can't wait to see if there is a girl on the course by the name of Gemma, as I've predicted in gest.

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Eh, being nice is genuinely nice

I have read, in my wading through life, that being nice has proven to be healthy. That feeling you get when you get a compliment is actually a chemical release within the body. Seritonin, if my memory serves me well. Seritonin is teh 'feel good' hormone. It makes you feel better, but it also has the added benefits of doing good within the body... I found the book. Here is what it said;

The positive effects of kindness on the immune system and on the increased production of serotonin in the brain has been proven in reseach studies. Serotonin is a naturally occuring substance in the body that makes us feel more comfortable, peaceful, and even blissful... Research has shown that a simple act of kindness directed towards another improves te functioning of the immune system and stimulates the production of serotonin in both the recipient of kindness and the person extending the kindness. Even more amazing is that persons observing the act of kindness have similar beneficial results. Imagine this! Kindness extended, received or observed beneficially impacts the physical health and feelings of evryone involved!

The Power of Intention, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

So just by the production of and the watching of this video thousands of people have had a bit of a boost of their immune system! And we are involved in that too......

Monday 31 August 2009

Eh, throwing a spanner in a secretary's works

You get a job and it has it's specific lingo and Colloquialisms to go with it. Mainly because they do not need any other vocab in every day ramblings...

Would you typically hear a historian saying; 'if you forget to wash your hands before handling food you will get in trouble'

Would you typically hear a janitor going; 'due to the economic down turn investment in retail property has declined in the first quarter of this tax year'

More than likely not. But if they did use those unusual phrases their peers would be very taken aback and not know how to react. Very much like a sectretary ringing up a young person

This was a humorous event of today. I was outta the house, with the first woman of my life (Hi Mom) and she got a call from someone. It was a private number, so naturally enough we didn't know who it was. They rang back, still a private number, and I answered with a big 'WHAAAT'S UP?....' This is where professions can fail with different Colloquialisms of different people of the same language. So when I said the 'WHAAAAT'S UP?' I was met by a complete and utter BLANK. The poor woman at the end of the phone had no idea how to react to my teenage language. I thought I was being a bit impulsive because I was in a bubbly mood. But she was completely under-prepared for it.

After a second or two I decided to continue the conversation seing as she was stumped! She was actually looking for me so we continued the conversation as it would have normally...

Should I have just been boring and said the usual Hello, or be extra-ordinary and impulsive? I know which I prefer...

Sunday 30 August 2009

Eh, wet pussy

I needed inspiration for a post. A very good humoured friend suggested 'wet pussy'. So after three seconds of thinking this is what I came up with
What is a camera for? It was designed to catch that special moment

Thursday 27 August 2009

Eh, Debs, Date, Dinner and Dancing

Debs; a formal gathering of school leavers

Date; essential to look like you've friends of the opposite sex/lack of one is where a conversation may start (icebreaker)

Prep; tux, corsage, chocolates (optional), sleep.

Getting to the date; organise a meeting place/wait for the other person to turn up/hope your date finds the house/hope your date is punctual because you amy be cutting it tight

At the house; introductions to family/waiting for her to get ready (even after getting the make-up and hair done)/breaking ice with the father/PHOTOS of the couple and family etc.

Getting to the Hotel; gather at the local watering hole/introductions to people you are spending the rest of the night with/warm up pints or drinks/dash to the awaiting bus/asking around for a bottle opener/stopping the bus for a piss-stop/photos for local paper/getting luminous bands to get drink (or not get drink) with serious words of 'terms and conditions' and a response of 'OK'

Dinner;Scramble to get a professional photo taken with the date/step in for a dateless person's photo/fight to snap a set of seats for all the friends or at least two for the couple/eat drink and be merry/play with baloons to see just how many people are childish enough to look and stare and be mesmorised by the weight bobbing up and down in the table with it's being pulled along by a string/group photo of the school goers only/Wait for band to set up

Dancing;self-explanitary/works well with people you're comfortable enough with/Works BEST when you are feeling the energy from them and they are feeling the energy from you so it just grows and grows and it's great

Afterparty; Varies from organiser to organiser/Bowling in the Leisureplex/going to bed (with or without date)/Going to a house party/go home and tell mother about the great night you had (but not everything which happened)/watch movie with date/breakfast in Airport

Getting home; Walk/taxi/stumble/lift from the mother/bus it home

ETA; 0100-1300 (depending on how good the night was)

Monday 24 August 2009

Eh, time you enjoyed wasting isn't time wasted...

A regular webite I drop by for games when I'm bored, which is quite frankly most days over the summer holidays.

The game which had me hooked was Roly Poly. I've mastered it to under 100 shots over 25 levels! And now it's Gravatee 2, one more level to get a gold medal on. I'm way too bored for my own sake...

Eh, when I opened my page there was something new.......

Today was as a day. Filled in a form. Dropped it off. Picked up something from a shop which I currently need. Went online to carry out my usual time killing. Free physics based games. Social networking site. And then onto Blogger. Then that's where inspiration starts for the moment...

Seeing as this blog is relatively young I was surprised to find a new thing on my Dashboard. I got a new follwer. NOT just a new one, but the first follower of follow this blog. My surprise stems from the fact I didn't expect any follwers till I got more establised or here for that bit longer than I have been. I haven't exactly boasted about the blog, but yet someone somewhere who I do not know has decided to click that follow icon up there.

Makes me feel once again that my little bit in this world has made some sort impact on someone somewhere. It is one of those things which gives me that warm feeling deep down and that is something money just can't buy...

I had a quick look at what this girl in magneta has posted and I have enjoyed the bit which she has put up. Her Blog is younger than mine, but still doesn't make it any less interesting... Thank you for the deep warm feeling...

Saturday 22 August 2009

Eh, receipt of results and returning to the future

Ever year we hear of leaving cert results. The contraversy and delight felt by various people because they've done wel enough or not attain the best result which they thought they could attain. Regardless of what the end product of the two year course we've just waded through, nothing more can be done about it...

Some people are delighted with what they have accomplished. These people got their favourite course. They are flying it. They get the official response from the lovely CAO people saying they've been accepted to the certain course. They are off getting or looking at Student accommodation in teh vacinity of the HEI. They are planning of things to do between now and then...

However, some people are not so happy. They either didn't get the points, or did but didn't get offered their course. They could see it as their life crumbling around what they planned. What they wanted. But what about the second round? What about the other courses you could possibly be offered? These things are all going through our heads, but standing there and feeling the emotions is a lot different to saying those things. Advice given is, go to sleep, when you wake up then decide with a level head what the next step in your life is going to be. It may be accepting second best, or repeating. But going through the Leaving Cert again is a bit much for some. A level headed decsion is better than a spur of the moment idea. Well for things like this it is best anyway...

There have been many reactions to the new medicine entry system. It is only the first year that this system has been tired out. Medicine will be filled regardless of who did or didn't get in. Points were 715 in UCC. There are oter ways into Medicine without going repeating the Leaving. By doing similar courses. Pharmacy or Bio Chemical something or other for example...

Next step would be the viewings and re-checks for those who are interested in it. Some people they may depend on the rechecks, but others may get them done out of pride and only going up a single grade will satisy them...

Whatever the story is for each student they will end up doing something. Which has to be better than doing nothing. Well done to those who got what they wanted, or to those who are doing something at least. But I still advise a clear level head is best for those who did not end up happy with what they got...

Thursday 20 August 2009

Eh, that's what I shed a tear over...

We've a small world these days. You can be over the opposite side of the world within a day. We've internet and other means of communication.

I was told today not really to say goodbye. So I didn't. I shed a tear. Emigration was like death, but seeing as things are better still doesn't change the fact you can't visit a friend whenever. That's what I shed the tear over. Wisdom in ship loads and it won't be coming out as often anymore.

I've to get used to change and I'm dealing with it very well in my opinion. Hmmm... We'll see...

Thursday 30 July 2009

Eh, b'fheidir é

Figured a few things recently on my work here. This is like voyage of self discovery at times. Sometimes starting at 0800, sometimes ending at midnight, braitheann sé ar an lá...

I discovered

#I can cycle 50 kilometers in a day and have trouble walking stairs the next morning.

#In places like this you are either doing a langer load of work, or fuck all.

#There is fun in the most, or least, desired times.

#calling a boy a girl infront of his face with 15 of his friends means a good run/workout

#Spreading rumours can be entertaining for everyone, includin the people who are involed. But only good rumours, like two are going out with each other

#Going to bed on time has it's benefits of avoiding unforseen work!

#Don't tell a young teenage boy how to say, 'IT'S A BIT OF A BOLLUX' in irish. e may get in trouble for shouting it out within earshot of teacher.

#The slang word for testicles as gaeilge

#how to put spin on a pool ball, finally

#Deep fried Snickers are nicer than Deep fried Mars Bars

And all that in just about 4 days of a 21 day course. Roll on the rest

Sunday 26 July 2009

Eh, work

I'm heading off to my first paying job. Oh the excitement. This man has started earning!

I'll be able to glance into a section of a friend's life when I'm working, can't wait to mention it to her by saying I met Mac. Uí B and the likes!!! The man who was suppsed to get my regards a year and a half ago!!!

But I'm nervous about the future. The two people working in similar positions and f the same gender as me got a tough time. I've no Idea what to expect, but hopefully I'll not regret it...

College of Abuse are you ready for me? Doesn't matter what the answer is, I'm still coming...

And here's something humorous for the time being....

Monday 20 July 2009

Eh, Kayak

For those of you who desire pure and utter brilliance in a certain form I've this to say.

Get yourselves a sea kayak

The reason being that;

the people who like physical geography will be delighted seeing the classroom material being brought to life.

the people who like excerise will get just that, plus fresh air.

the people who desire to see natures physical power will be in awe.

the people who meditation or need to chill out in pure peace will contact the heavens.

The people who want freedom will be immancipated

All in all getting out into the sea is a brilliant experience. THose are the few things I have seen and experienced. Not all of those things will appeal to everyone, but I've covered a big bit of people I hope...

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Eh, a periodic table of elelmets song

This is for the Chemistry heads out there...

Monday 6 July 2009

Eh, eventual partings

You meet people in school not thinking of what the end result will be. The eventual parting of people you've grown close to and others you will be happy to see the back of. But after school you realise you won't be seeing some of these people again. People are moving on and taking the next step in their journey. For some people that next step will be bigger than others. Some people move to other countries and others move into a trade and others go into college.

The Summer after the Leaving is probably the harder of the Summers one will face. One makes great friends in secondary school, people who you've shed a tear with over something. People who have shed a tear on your shoulder. The people who have unforgettable quotes and traits. The people you seemed to have grown close to. But now with everyone moving on, doing their own thing it's hard not to feel somewhat emotional when it comes to saying a goodbye for a probable forever. Some of the people who will be moving to another country and may not be back. The people who you have spent a great deal of time with. These are the goodbyes which are the hardest.

Maybe I'm sensationalizing the situation, or even exaggerating it. The world is a smaller place now than ever has been. Communication and technology has greatly developed over the last few years (as mentioned in the Death of the VCR post). Being in contact with your friends over MSN and Bebo and other social networking sites is nice, but it never ever beats a good old fashioned hug.

Saturday 4 July 2009

Eh, is a big venue for comedy as good as a smaller venue?

I grace the Marquee wit my presence last night with a trip to my favourite comedian, Des Bishop. I have seen two of his shows in he Opera House before and they were really good, and my third and most recent show was on last night. For those of you who have not been to the Marquee; it's HUGE compared to any other Venue in Cork that I can think of. 5,000 capacity, which is generally easily filled by Corkonians and supporters of the artist alike. I'd reckon you'd get three Opera House's worth of space into the tent erected on Leeside. And for those of you who have been to Alton Towers, the carpark and venue itself is a bit smaller than the size of the car park alone in Alton Towers. That's the size we are talking about!

With such a big venue for concerts it is definitely a plus for the Cork economy. A concert in the Marquee is an experience in itself, like Bob Dylan a few years ago. With regards to musical acts at The Marquee it is pretty much perfect, from what I know. Music reaches out to the people in the venue. There is no problem being 200 metres away from the performer, musicians and constant music, beats and singing. I found it was a completely different kettle of when it came to a comedy gig. The reason being is that to get the full effect of a comedy set it is far better when we, the audience, are connected with the comedian on stage, a bit of intamacy does no harm.

I'm not putting the support acts for Deasúin Mac an Easpaig, or an fear himself, down. I saw the same show in the Opera House a few months ago and the reactions of the crowd in the Opera House were far better than that of the crowds of the Marquee. Why? I reckon it was the distance we were from the comedian and pure huge size of the venue. At one stage a punchline was delivered, an applause started to rumble in the distance. I was going to clap, but I thought 'I think the crowd is still deciding whether or not they are clapping'. In the end I did clap and being a comedian, Bishop picked up on the delay. "I'm on a live link to Afghanistan, the delay is finally kicking in" or something to that affect. Made us laugh, but I saw how he felt about it.

It was hard enough for us to make the connection with the comedian, but it was damn near impossible when people were walking in 45 minutes late. They were talking to the stewards asking for directions and getting the poeple in the rows to stand up so they could get into their assigned seats. Now, who the hell decided it was a good idea to be late to an event. And secondly why were they let in? Distrupting a gig is the height of bad manners when everyone is sitting down. I know that people don't turn up to parties on time, and can wander into a club at any given moment, but punctuality is a must. It is curteous to not only the people they are disturbing, but also to the comedian on stage who has to deal with the late comers stupidity and to keep focus. It doesn't really happen in the CAT club, Opera House or Everyman Palace, that I have experienced. If someone is late, they either don't get in or are left in but told to stay at the back as not to disturb other veiwers who have the decency to be on time. Being on time also shows that you have the curteousy and respect to be on time for respective comedian.

Despite these things being bad, I thoroughly enjoyed the show. I loved the Irish section, from my love of irish and got jokes before people who don't speak Irish. I enjoyed the other sections which you'll have to go and see for yourself (or get the DVD when it's out). I did honestly enjoy the content of the gig and would go again. But those things written about really got on my nerves.

Well done to Lenny from RedFM on popping his stand-up comedy cherry. He pulled it off like a pro...

Thursday 2 July 2009

Eh, an Chúrsa Ghaeilge

Bheul, chuaigh mé trí an cúrsa ghaeilge don árdteist. Agus níl an chúrsa ródheacair má bhfuil suim agat i gaeilge agus beidh sé níos fearr má bhfuil bua na cainte agat freisin. Mar aon ábhair eile tá an obair ann á déanamh. Agus mar aon ábhair eile gheofaidh tú na marcanna nuair a obraíonn tú. Tá sé comh shimplí le sin...

Ach, i chúpla bliana seo chugainn aistreóidh an cúrsa chun níos mó béim a chuir ar an gaeilge labharta. Is maith an rud é gan amhras. Is teanga labharta í an ghaeilge, bhí sé de nós na seanchaí scéal a insint ón béal i rith na blianta. Ní raibh bua na scíbhneoireacha ag fómhór na Éirinnigh ag an am de bharr bochtanas, na Gaill agus Titithe na nÍarlaí.
Gach lá, labhraíonn daoine le chéile níos mó ná ag scríobh nó ag léamh. Bualann ghrúpaí gaeilge le chéile agus LABHRAÍONN siad gaeilge. Baintear úsáid as an idirlíon beagnach GACH lá, so is maith an rud é scríbhneoireach na ghaeilge sa lá atá ann innniú. Mar Shampla; an blog seo. Ó am go ham bím 'ag caint' le mo cairde ar MSN trí mhéan an ghaeilge. Agus b'in iad na ndaoine nach maith leo gaeilge ar scoil. Tuigim go ndéanann abhair scoile loit don caitheamh aimsire. Ach, tá siad tuilteanach gaeilge a úsáid liom. Tugann sé dóchas don gaeilge labharta go ginéarálta. Tá suil agam má spreagfadh an suim go bainfaidh muintir úsáid asti. Níl sé an-dheacair.

Faigh spéis na ghaeilge istigh na ghnáthduine agus fásann an gaeilge, spreagann siad agus tar éis taimllín téann an teanga ó neart go néart. Bainann craic agus gáire le labhairt na ghaeilge. Ach mo bhrón ní feictear an craic go han mhinic ar scoil de dheasca an slí a muiníodh an teanga. Tá bóthar fhada fós a thaistil againn sula tagann gaeilge chun chinn, ach fánaim dóchasach fós...

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Eh, keep calm and carry on

During the Second World War, the British Government designed three posters to be sent out depending on how bad the situation had gotten, mainly if the Nazi's had taken over Britain. It's said about 2.5 million copies were made of this specific poster, but only a handful were actually distributed, mainly because the Nazis did not succeed in taking Britain.
The reason why I write about it is because it doesn't really have to be shown during a world war for the same message to get across. I found this poster half-way through the Leaving Cert, and it was in my mind every now and again. It was just that little bit of motivation present when needed. Have a little shit hemerage and think of that poster and everything comes back to a managable level.

It is also a striking poster to see. It has worked properly, the white lettering against the red background should stick in your memory to some extent. That, and the simple message are enough to shine through some of the fog we leaving certs are running through this Summer and keep us calm and to carry on with enjoying our holidays before we need to stress about other matters!!!

Tuesday 30 June 2009

Eh, the CAO finishline

Back in September we were told to apply to the Central Applications Office, or the CAO as it is affectionately known as! This is the only way to get into an HEI in Ireland going through the Leaving Cert system. But as time went on some people left it be and applied just before the deadline for applying in February. No harm done there.

Now the time has come to finally put emotions aside and seal what you want your future to be in the form of college in September/October. We were advised to put down what we want rather than being restricted by what the points you think you will get. If you wanna go for Architecture, put it down, even if you don't get the points you don't get the point. You never know. The points may drop and you may get enough points to get an offer and then you are SORTED. But if you don't put it down now you aren't going to get any chance of starting Architecture in College. You ain't in you don't win.

All in all, do you think it'd be better to be doing something you love doing than doing some course you hate and are only doing it because the money at the end of the line is good? I think the majority of people would answer doing something they love, with a few people choosing money over happiness. Each to their own. I know what my answer is and have the balls to follow through with it too.

You hear of people who did something like medicine because they could. They may not even be a people person, or have an interest in healing. They just have the brains to do the burning. And after a few years, they find out they hate it. Either from the daily stress of the job, or it is just not for them. But don't fret. There's always back doors into what you want to do. Always ways of getting into what you love doing. All hope's not lost. But let us face facts; wouldn't you rather get it right first time around?

Monday 29 June 2009

Eh, a short story by Steph Deane

Steph says (21:59):
the individual conversation
as she typed on the keyboard she thought to herself is anybody reading or have they set their computer to automatically do

Cian 'Bua an Leighis' Ó Laoghaire says (21:59):
Let us publish this!!!

Steph says (22:00):
she felt alone isolated as typed her little heart out wishing for one decent reply the s Flashed across her eyes blinding her inner soul

Steph says (22:02):
one guy believing it is beyond her to snatch a guy/woman (since he also thinks she is a lesbian since shes not a lothario like him) for the debs

Steph says (22:03):
he reads the convo unsure of whether she is serious or not or whether this outporing is a joke or secret seedy confession (its the 1st) just in case!

Steph says (22:04):
lisa and laura look on sipping their cups of coffee and tea respectively thinking what drugs are stephanie on this time
what will we type they ponder

Steph says (22:06):
cian is confused by this witty commentary unsure how to jump in and feeling his way into the convo (like usual he is a very hands on guy is he not laura.......)
and now she waits wondering if murray will win his match

Steph says (22:08):
however she can not type forever especially with repetitive strain injury on the rise and she die alone in this lost world of silence.............................................

Eh, the Death of the VCR

Seeing as it's the time to start anew. Some stuff is heading to the Civic Amenety Centre. I saw amongst these things, something which we as children pretty much lived by. The VCR. The silver machine which saved us many a time with shows we were missing and hours upon hours of Lion King and other Disney and Pixar films, Thomas the Tank Engine and even Teletubbies.

It kinda struck a chord with me. I thought, "Damn, I'm getting old". Even though I'm young enough, seeing that the VCR is going out the gap made me see that technology is moving on pretty fast. 15 years ago the VCR was the be all and end all of entertainment. Despite the video's size they were plentiful in any household across the world. Just grab a video and enjoy, pretty much like a DVD or Blu-Ray these days. Up to the local video store to rent a video for the night.

Rewinding the video is something I will always remember, sitting down on the floor pressing the rewind and fast forward buttons frantically trying to get to the beginning because the last eejit who rented the movie out never rewound it to the start, or to get back to the place where I was watching previously. It was a pain in the arse, especially when the remote control has gone on the missing list. Sitting on my arse on the cold floor straining my neck up to the TV screen to see what scene I'm going through at the time. Nowadays on DVD's, we can just go to the scene selection menu and go from there, but it nearly made the effort worthwhile shifting through all the movie to get to your desired scene. That little pleasure is now gone!

But let us move onto what's next. I would say the DVD player is the latest thing, but can't. DVD was the next link in the chain after Videos. But even the DVD is being out-done by HDTV and Blu-Ray. So in the past 15 years or so alot of progress seems to have been made, but will the seemingly innocent VCR resurface in the future? I am afriad the way technology goes the VCR has had the final nail in the coffin well and truly wholloped in.

Sunday 28 June 2009

Eh, the post where I pop my blog cherry

Well, this is where I pop my Blog cherry. During my long tedious time working at the books, a thought came across my mind. This thought was to start a blog entitled Life after the Leaving. A few weeks after the end of the last chapter of my childhood I finally got around to doing it. That's the background story to this blog...

As to what I'll be blogging about, that will depend on the day, my mood, recent experiences which made me go Hmmm or what language I feel like expressing myself in. It'll either be English or as gaeilge. You'll just have to wait and see...