Thursday 22 October 2009

Eh, surprises....

What's lovely is when you can still surprise someone even after being with them for so long. If is it a year, or nineteen. Sometimes the look of delight and awe gives such a nice warm deep feeling!!!

For example; coming home a bit earlier in the week and cooking dinner when we get home. The for the idea to crop up that I should invite the other half along too. Which was fine with me.

So you get in contact with herself. Tell her you have a dinner organised for her, but not say that you are doing it. She'll think you are messing because you are in college 66 miles away and not due home until the next day! But this all adds to the moment.

An unforeseen change of plans can sometimes be exactly what one needs to relax and forget about the stresses of life and leaving cert. Have a bash off it.

A nice deed is beneficial and nice; for a previous post on this topic...